Sunday, May 17, 2009

What a day!

Finally its Sunday, the start of my 2 days off from work. I may dislike having to work on Saturdays, but having Sunday and Monday off is definitely on the positive side. I don't know, i just feel like i am more productive on a day off during the week. So I;m sitting and relaxing watching the food network and its a perfect time to blog.

Speaking of productive. Today I seriously felt like wonder woman. Ever since I have started this personal training and i have been seeing results, I'm pretty addictive to working out, or somehow getting exercise worked into my day so i can really maximize this weight loss to its fullest. A while ago i told Kobe i would take him and two of his friends bowling. In Hilton, we have a pretty cheap bowling ally so i figured id spend $30 max! Well apparently that bowling ally is closed for the summer so the next closest one is Spencerport bowl and let me tell you, it is not cheap to bowl. I spent $50 bucks for him and two friend to bowl three games, get shoes and eat lunch. I know that is pretty reasonably these days to take kid for an outing, but seriously i wasn't expecting that much. And to top it off, half way through it the boys were like, :we should have just went to the the park and played and then got subs!" I was like damn, i could have saved myself easy 40 bucks haha. Anyways, it is what it is and they had a good time, so it was a success. After that I came home and my father started to cut the lawn.

To help my father speed up the process i thought I would help him with the second lawn mower we have. Wow was i wrong. It is so hard to mow a lawn. I couldn't keep the damn mower started and then i felt like i was gonna fall off of it, and to top it off i was not going in straight lines, i was definitely doing zig zags. Finally my dad said, "why don't know just give it a go for a Little bit and then you can help later" aka, get the hell out of the way and let me do what i gotta do haha. So i was like ok, and kobe started playing lacrosse with his new stick my mom got him. So what did i do, something i never do, i played outside with him for 45 mins.

Let me tell you, this kid is a natural athlete. he taught me the basics of playing lacrosse in 45 minutes and i seriously was pretty good. I had so much fun that I told him i want to buy a lacrosse stick so we can practice playing together and passing the ball back and forth. It was great also because i didn't go tot he gym today, but i got a great work out in with that. Then after playing with kobe, i helped my dad rake all of the cut grass and we dumped it in our field next door. Talk about an additional 45 mins of work out. Holy Moly i was working up a sweat!

finally i came inside and cooked something to eat. I worked up an appetite doing all that!

I cant wait for tomorrow, my second day off. Take a guess at what I will be doing!......I am going shopping all by myself!!! If you know me, you know i hate shopping. This past weekend i have had this sudden urge to go shopping. I don't know if it is because of summer, or because of working out, or cause I got paid, but i seriously can not wait to go shopping. I will be going to Marshall's of course to get some shoes and sneakers and hopefully a nice dress and then NY and CO since they have the freaking cutest Maxi dresses! And of course you cant leave out old navy especially since they always have great sales. I wish i was shopping in CA with my cousin Christine because as much as i hate shopping she is someone that I always went shopping with and i didn't mind it. I think it was because there are so many better stores out there then here in Rochester and there was so much more to pick from. But I seriously cannot wait to go shopping!

I will write and let you know what i bought and hopefully i will have some great pics of the new clothes too!

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