Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1 Down, 11 More to go!

Today was a rough day in the morning, but turned out to be a great day by 5pm. This morning like always i was flustered and couldn't get on track with work. I am really starting to wonder if I am just not good at working and if I will ever be able to do it. I feel kind of incompetent right now at my job. I feel like I can't complete simple tasks and I am forgetting everything. I am just all lover the place. But, on the bright side i did have to go to a Happy Hour even for an organization i am a part of due to where i work. I seriously loved it.

At 4:30pm I had to go to a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new place that opened in high falls. Max's Chop house opened a new special event location and there were refreshments afterwards. It was great! Then after that I had to go to another networking event at a bar called "One." I loved it. At first i was like oh dear this is gonna be boring, mind you i cant drink right now due to antibiotics i am on so water was my friend. And as always, so was the food table. But I started to talk to a girl that works across the street from me, she is a marketing manager, and she totally changed my outlook on life right now.

If you have been reading my blog, you'll know that I am constantly trying to find new hobbies or do things that are more social. I just need to get out and find more friends. I love the ones i have dearly, but it doesn't hurt to have more. So this girl i started talking to was telling me about how she started playing golf and joined her work team, and she is this wine club and she does this and that and this and that. So at the end of the conversation I was signed up for her wine club and ready to take gold lessons next Wednesday. My boss even offered me her spare set of clubs to use. I am so excited!!! what a great day. She gave me great advice on where the hot guys are and what gold clubs they play at and she even mentioned hooking me up with a new coworker of her that is learning to golf to. Seriously best day ever!! I will keep you posted on all of that jazz.

after this work event, it was off to personal training. Day one of the 12 sessions I have started today. Have i mentioned how i love my trainer. She is just the best thing since sliced bread. OMG, i thought i was gonna die today. This is what she had me start doing:

I did lunges down a very long hallway while holding a medicine ball and twisting from side to side when i lunged. Then when i got to the end of the hall i had to sprint up and down 2 times. Then i had to do it all over again. Following this great heart pumper she gave me 8lb dumbbells and i had to do jump ins and outs while holding the dumbbells for 2 sets of 12 and alternating that I had to do 2 sets of 12 of jump lunges while holding the dumbbells over my head. Then, i did abs with a 15lb plate on my chest. Honestly, i was excited cause at this point my legs were hurting so bad i didn't care how many abs i had to do, but of course she made me do all these leg-ab exercises. I was a mess. I did about 5 different abs workouts continuous, seriously, pain! Then i got back u p and did squats on the balance balls under each foot and lat raises. Alternating that, was scull crushers while balancing on the balls, probably the easier exercise of the night. Then to finish it off i did side bends, and she asked if i wanted more. I said yes, cause we had a few minutes and i didn't want to be a wimp! Man o Man, what a mistake! She had me to shoulder presses terminator style and back row super sets with 12 lb dumbbells. Finally I was done with weights and moved on to 30 minutes of cardio. I was so happy to be doing cardio, it was a breeze at that point.

So many times I wanted to give up, but she pushed me and i kept on pulling through. When i left I felt so rejuvenated! I cant wait for my next session. If anyone wants more details on the works outs just let me know!

Then to polish off the night, i watched the vote off of DWTS. Great show!

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