Sunday, May 10, 2009

I am Officially Graduated!!

OK, so I have totally been slacking on blogging. I have been so busy with homework for my Corporate Finance class i was taking online. This was the last class i needed to officially graduate from USC. I am happy to announce that as of last Friday I am officially a USC graduate!!! I am so happy! I feel like this weight has been lifted off of my shoulder and now i am free to do what ever i want. Grad school is just not in the picture at this time, and probably wont be unless i get a job that is willing to pay for it. I am so happy! So now i can do all the blogging I want and there is no excuse if I don't.

Let me fill you all in on the past few weeks of my life that I haven't been blogging about. I will start with my personal training experience.

One month ago I started doing Personal training at my gym. i went twice a week, Tuesdays for a half hour by myself and Thursdays, for a whole hour with my sister. It cost only$220. Totally worth it! This was the best idea and experience that I have had in the gym in a long time, other then Mondays with Chel Freshman year of college. Mondays with Chel consisted of us getting up at 8am and heading to the gym for about and 1 1/2 hours and then getting ready there and heading out for the day. Seriously the first time i worked out with her that early i almost puked lol. Sorry for the tangent, but get memory right there!

Anyways, my sister and I were really focused on this. I have gained 15 lbs since i came home from college, and I really packed in on all in one month and have been struggling to get it off. We were assigned a trainer named Li at the Pittsford RAC. This girl was amazing! She is about 5'1'' and is full of fire. She, really is the best trainer ever. I told her I wanted to work on my legs and hips, since that is where i gained most of the weight, and let me tell you, I worked them out! The first day I was soooo sore that I couldn't even walk up the steps in my house. My sister tried to convince me that she was going to make Li kick it up a notch because she didn't feel sore. well around 12pm that day i got a phone call with my sister telling me that she could hardly move. Ahh yes the 48 hr onset was kicking in. She tried making it sound like i was so much weaker then her since i felt sore sooner then she did. That is sooo not ture..anyways...

Fast forward a month-I have lost inches, and about 2lbs. Only loosing 2lbs is pretty upsetting, but the fact that i can fit into pants i couldn't of a month ago, puts everything into perspective. I have my retest to see how many inches i have lost total this coming week, but i can notice a definite change in my legs and arms. I am extremely happy with the results so far. Since i had such a great outcome with the training so far i deiced to do it for another month. This month I will be doing three, half hour sessions a week by myself. Li says that I will drop weight so fast. I am so anxious to get started. I cant wait to see the results. I also learned a few things through out the training, other then some creative exercises. The first thing that i learned was when i mentioned how upset I was that I wasn't loosing weigh tin my stomach. Li said that the first place the weight is gained in the last place it comes off. this is something That i know. Then she mentioned that diet is the only thing that will really help you loose fat around your belly. Then she asked me if i had been abnormally stressed lately. I have been, but I haven't really thought to much about it, since it would stress me out more and more. well apparently if you are overly stressed there is a chemical in your body that makes you retain fat around your belly and it will stick there until you de-stress and then you will start loosing fat around your belly. The minute i heard that I became the Dalai Lama and now I am trying to de-stress to I can loose some belly fat! lol.

So, Tuesday start my next round of Personal Training and I cant wait to keep everyone posted on the new results! It is summer time so i need to get bathing suite ready!

Well i better end this post here since it is getting longer and longer, but stay tuned for some new topics.

1 comment:

  1. First - CONGRATULATIONS! It has to feel SOOOOO NICE! You deserve the peace of mind. extra time that will soon come and of course, the degree!

    Secondly, I am so excited about your personal training. I didn't know some of that either. And yes, Chel and Lu Monday's were really the best. I miss that :( We would sit in Barnes and Noble and read books about the Civil war or Fung Shui - I'm not sure I ever retained anything I read though! Gosh....I can't reminisce too much about that - I get sad :(

    Anyhow, keep it up. That's so awesome. And I'm sure it helps knowing you have to meet some one at the gym.

    Looking forward to seeing you! <3
