Friday, May 15, 2009

I can't think of a title

Finally, I am caught up with everything at work. I think the past month has been the most stressful month of my life because of everything that I needed to get done at work. Well I finally as of today am caught up on everything. By 2pm I had nothing to do, other then the new apps that came in today but those can wait until Monday. I need a break. So i am now sitting at work and writing my blog for the day. If you cant tell today is one of those days that I absolutely love my job!

I;m trying to think of something to write about that is funny that happened today, but nothing funny happened, just the usually stuttering when talk. I swear my brain moves faster then my mouth will. But i did get some shopping online done while i was at work. It is pay day today so i splurged and bought myself a Sinful tshirt. I have been eyeing these shirts for a while now and i finally have enough money to buy one. I have been checking ebay for them too and you can buy one for a little cheaper then getting one from the site or in a store, but I'm always worried about authenticity. I want to make sure this thing is real if i will be paying $50 for a shirt. SO, this is the one i got, it was a very hard decision.

So as you can see this is totally my style. I was having a hard time between picking a black shirt or this one. But, purple is my favorite color and even though it doesn't have the angel wings on the back like they normally do, i just love the design and mostly the color. So i cant wait to get it in the mail in 3-7 days!!

Needless to say i was ex termly productive today at work. The best part is while doing all of this i was listening to ABBA's greatest hits cd. It just puts me in the best mood!!!

Alright well that is about it. Tonight I will be home watching say yes to the dress. I cant wait!

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