Sunday, May 17, 2009

What a day!

Finally its Sunday, the start of my 2 days off from work. I may dislike having to work on Saturdays, but having Sunday and Monday off is definitely on the positive side. I don't know, i just feel like i am more productive on a day off during the week. So I;m sitting and relaxing watching the food network and its a perfect time to blog.

Speaking of productive. Today I seriously felt like wonder woman. Ever since I have started this personal training and i have been seeing results, I'm pretty addictive to working out, or somehow getting exercise worked into my day so i can really maximize this weight loss to its fullest. A while ago i told Kobe i would take him and two of his friends bowling. In Hilton, we have a pretty cheap bowling ally so i figured id spend $30 max! Well apparently that bowling ally is closed for the summer so the next closest one is Spencerport bowl and let me tell you, it is not cheap to bowl. I spent $50 bucks for him and two friend to bowl three games, get shoes and eat lunch. I know that is pretty reasonably these days to take kid for an outing, but seriously i wasn't expecting that much. And to top it off, half way through it the boys were like, :we should have just went to the the park and played and then got subs!" I was like damn, i could have saved myself easy 40 bucks haha. Anyways, it is what it is and they had a good time, so it was a success. After that I came home and my father started to cut the lawn.

To help my father speed up the process i thought I would help him with the second lawn mower we have. Wow was i wrong. It is so hard to mow a lawn. I couldn't keep the damn mower started and then i felt like i was gonna fall off of it, and to top it off i was not going in straight lines, i was definitely doing zig zags. Finally my dad said, "why don't know just give it a go for a Little bit and then you can help later" aka, get the hell out of the way and let me do what i gotta do haha. So i was like ok, and kobe started playing lacrosse with his new stick my mom got him. So what did i do, something i never do, i played outside with him for 45 mins.

Let me tell you, this kid is a natural athlete. he taught me the basics of playing lacrosse in 45 minutes and i seriously was pretty good. I had so much fun that I told him i want to buy a lacrosse stick so we can practice playing together and passing the ball back and forth. It was great also because i didn't go tot he gym today, but i got a great work out in with that. Then after playing with kobe, i helped my dad rake all of the cut grass and we dumped it in our field next door. Talk about an additional 45 mins of work out. Holy Moly i was working up a sweat!

finally i came inside and cooked something to eat. I worked up an appetite doing all that!

I cant wait for tomorrow, my second day off. Take a guess at what I will be doing!......I am going shopping all by myself!!! If you know me, you know i hate shopping. This past weekend i have had this sudden urge to go shopping. I don't know if it is because of summer, or because of working out, or cause I got paid, but i seriously can not wait to go shopping. I will be going to Marshall's of course to get some shoes and sneakers and hopefully a nice dress and then NY and CO since they have the freaking cutest Maxi dresses! And of course you cant leave out old navy especially since they always have great sales. I wish i was shopping in CA with my cousin Christine because as much as i hate shopping she is someone that I always went shopping with and i didn't mind it. I think it was because there are so many better stores out there then here in Rochester and there was so much more to pick from. But I seriously cannot wait to go shopping!

I will write and let you know what i bought and hopefully i will have some great pics of the new clothes too!

Friday, May 15, 2009

I can't think of a title

Finally, I am caught up with everything at work. I think the past month has been the most stressful month of my life because of everything that I needed to get done at work. Well I finally as of today am caught up on everything. By 2pm I had nothing to do, other then the new apps that came in today but those can wait until Monday. I need a break. So i am now sitting at work and writing my blog for the day. If you cant tell today is one of those days that I absolutely love my job!

I;m trying to think of something to write about that is funny that happened today, but nothing funny happened, just the usually stuttering when talk. I swear my brain moves faster then my mouth will. But i did get some shopping online done while i was at work. It is pay day today so i splurged and bought myself a Sinful tshirt. I have been eyeing these shirts for a while now and i finally have enough money to buy one. I have been checking ebay for them too and you can buy one for a little cheaper then getting one from the site or in a store, but I'm always worried about authenticity. I want to make sure this thing is real if i will be paying $50 for a shirt. SO, this is the one i got, it was a very hard decision.

So as you can see this is totally my style. I was having a hard time between picking a black shirt or this one. But, purple is my favorite color and even though it doesn't have the angel wings on the back like they normally do, i just love the design and mostly the color. So i cant wait to get it in the mail in 3-7 days!!

Needless to say i was ex termly productive today at work. The best part is while doing all of this i was listening to ABBA's greatest hits cd. It just puts me in the best mood!!!

Alright well that is about it. Tonight I will be home watching say yes to the dress. I cant wait!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1 Down, 11 More to go!

Today was a rough day in the morning, but turned out to be a great day by 5pm. This morning like always i was flustered and couldn't get on track with work. I am really starting to wonder if I am just not good at working and if I will ever be able to do it. I feel kind of incompetent right now at my job. I feel like I can't complete simple tasks and I am forgetting everything. I am just all lover the place. But, on the bright side i did have to go to a Happy Hour even for an organization i am a part of due to where i work. I seriously loved it.

At 4:30pm I had to go to a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new place that opened in high falls. Max's Chop house opened a new special event location and there were refreshments afterwards. It was great! Then after that I had to go to another networking event at a bar called "One." I loved it. At first i was like oh dear this is gonna be boring, mind you i cant drink right now due to antibiotics i am on so water was my friend. And as always, so was the food table. But I started to talk to a girl that works across the street from me, she is a marketing manager, and she totally changed my outlook on life right now.

If you have been reading my blog, you'll know that I am constantly trying to find new hobbies or do things that are more social. I just need to get out and find more friends. I love the ones i have dearly, but it doesn't hurt to have more. So this girl i started talking to was telling me about how she started playing golf and joined her work team, and she is this wine club and she does this and that and this and that. So at the end of the conversation I was signed up for her wine club and ready to take gold lessons next Wednesday. My boss even offered me her spare set of clubs to use. I am so excited!!! what a great day. She gave me great advice on where the hot guys are and what gold clubs they play at and she even mentioned hooking me up with a new coworker of her that is learning to golf to. Seriously best day ever!! I will keep you posted on all of that jazz.

after this work event, it was off to personal training. Day one of the 12 sessions I have started today. Have i mentioned how i love my trainer. She is just the best thing since sliced bread. OMG, i thought i was gonna die today. This is what she had me start doing:

I did lunges down a very long hallway while holding a medicine ball and twisting from side to side when i lunged. Then when i got to the end of the hall i had to sprint up and down 2 times. Then i had to do it all over again. Following this great heart pumper she gave me 8lb dumbbells and i had to do jump ins and outs while holding the dumbbells for 2 sets of 12 and alternating that I had to do 2 sets of 12 of jump lunges while holding the dumbbells over my head. Then, i did abs with a 15lb plate on my chest. Honestly, i was excited cause at this point my legs were hurting so bad i didn't care how many abs i had to do, but of course she made me do all these leg-ab exercises. I was a mess. I did about 5 different abs workouts continuous, seriously, pain! Then i got back u p and did squats on the balance balls under each foot and lat raises. Alternating that, was scull crushers while balancing on the balls, probably the easier exercise of the night. Then to finish it off i did side bends, and she asked if i wanted more. I said yes, cause we had a few minutes and i didn't want to be a wimp! Man o Man, what a mistake! She had me to shoulder presses terminator style and back row super sets with 12 lb dumbbells. Finally I was done with weights and moved on to 30 minutes of cardio. I was so happy to be doing cardio, it was a breeze at that point.

So many times I wanted to give up, but she pushed me and i kept on pulling through. When i left I felt so rejuvenated! I cant wait for my next session. If anyone wants more details on the works outs just let me know!

Then to polish off the night, i watched the vote off of DWTS. Great show!

Monday, May 11, 2009

I am sitting here flicking between the cooking channel and HGTV. I love house hunters and property virgin! I cant wait to buy my first home! I just got back from goin gout to dinner with my gram. The minute my Bro-in law came to pick up my nephew she yelled up to me, "your mom called and told me that you and i have to go out to dinner tonight so hurry up and change!" I was like "what?" I have never seen my grandma move so fast she must have been hungry. We went up the the local Garland house and had some soup and sandwiches and the best spinach artichoke dip i have ever had. The girl asked if we needed more time and my gram goes, "yes we do, but in the mean time bring us some of that dip!" Best dinner date ever.

When i came home my mom called and asked what we were doing an di told her we had just gotten home for dinner and she goes oh you went out to dinner? I said, "yes, gram told me that you called her and told her that we had to go out cause you were going to be home late." Apparently, my mom called and said that if she wanted to go out to dinner to call my parents and they would meet us there. HAHAHA i started laughing. If you know my grandma then you will think this whole scenario is funny. Anyways, i am stuff now, but the chocolate cake on the counter is eying me big time!

Today I had the day off,I love having Mondays off! I cleaned the bathroom, and hung out with my nephew, but then I started to get a horrible headache so I layed down watching a movie with my nephew on my bed and took a little nap. After he came back upstairs to ask me something he realized i was sleeping and he did the most precious thing ever! My nephew got up on my bed and kissed my forehead and then "I love you forever, I'll love you for always." and then scurried out of my room. OMG i was so taken back he is so cute. Plus that phrase is from my favorite book, apparently his mother has been reading that to him at night and that is where he got it from!

Alright well dancing with the stars is coming on so I will be posting more later. I really need to step up the intrest level!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Summa, Summa, Summa time!!!

I'm on a roll with post number 2!

Since i have been planning so many summer trips I am constantly on and actual airline website checking for the best deal out there. I just have to say that Delta is having some amazing deals going on right now. Currently I have found round trip tickets, including taxes from Rochester to Daytona Beach, Fl for only $163. Usually tickets into Daytona are no cheaper then $350. Then I have found cheap tickets with delta to Los Angeles between $200 and $250! This is great news since I will be heading out there soon, with my friend Val. Then, for all the NC fans, I will be heading down to Charlotte late summer, early fall and I have found some amazing deals for long weekends, ranging from $120 to $150!

I am so excited to book tickets to all of these places and I can not wait for the fun that is waiting for me at each destination. Oh, by the way, the daytona tickets are for my mom and dad, not me.

I have so much to look forward to. It is still so hard to believe that I am not returning back to school in august like I have done for the past 6 years. I feel like I need to hurry up and get all my vacations in during the summer and then I realize, "Oh wait, I have all year to do whatever I want." This is just the best feeling.

Another new thought that I have been seriously entertaining is buying a condo in Rochester. I know Rochester isn't the ideal place ot buy a condo, since you can buy a house for an equivalent price, but a house comes with so much more responsibility. In a condo, you just pay an HOA fee and then you don't have to worry about anything other then upgrades you want to do yourself inside of your place. I have found really cute places in and around Greece and Chili area for about $50,000 to $60,000. This is an incredibly feasible price when including taxes and HOA fees.

When I started thinking about buying a condo i want really taking it too seriously until last night when I was talking with my father about the idea and his face lit up and he graciously offered to be a co-signer for me for the loan. He thinks it would be a great idea and so do I since I don't want an apartment, or the responsibility of a house, but I want something of my own. Plus, I love how I wouldn't be all alone, I would have neighbors close by. i am a chicken shit when it comes to being home alone in a house. I would love to get a two bedroom, 1 and half bath unit and then get a roommate. So as of right now, I am still a little low on cash for this and my plans of moving to CA are getting int he way of make a decision like this, but it may be a great thing for me!!

I am Officially Graduated!!

OK, so I have totally been slacking on blogging. I have been so busy with homework for my Corporate Finance class i was taking online. This was the last class i needed to officially graduate from USC. I am happy to announce that as of last Friday I am officially a USC graduate!!! I am so happy! I feel like this weight has been lifted off of my shoulder and now i am free to do what ever i want. Grad school is just not in the picture at this time, and probably wont be unless i get a job that is willing to pay for it. I am so happy! So now i can do all the blogging I want and there is no excuse if I don't.

Let me fill you all in on the past few weeks of my life that I haven't been blogging about. I will start with my personal training experience.

One month ago I started doing Personal training at my gym. i went twice a week, Tuesdays for a half hour by myself and Thursdays, for a whole hour with my sister. It cost only$220. Totally worth it! This was the best idea and experience that I have had in the gym in a long time, other then Mondays with Chel Freshman year of college. Mondays with Chel consisted of us getting up at 8am and heading to the gym for about and 1 1/2 hours and then getting ready there and heading out for the day. Seriously the first time i worked out with her that early i almost puked lol. Sorry for the tangent, but get memory right there!

Anyways, my sister and I were really focused on this. I have gained 15 lbs since i came home from college, and I really packed in on all in one month and have been struggling to get it off. We were assigned a trainer named Li at the Pittsford RAC. This girl was amazing! She is about 5'1'' and is full of fire. She, really is the best trainer ever. I told her I wanted to work on my legs and hips, since that is where i gained most of the weight, and let me tell you, I worked them out! The first day I was soooo sore that I couldn't even walk up the steps in my house. My sister tried to convince me that she was going to make Li kick it up a notch because she didn't feel sore. well around 12pm that day i got a phone call with my sister telling me that she could hardly move. Ahh yes the 48 hr onset was kicking in. She tried making it sound like i was so much weaker then her since i felt sore sooner then she did. That is sooo not ture..anyways...

Fast forward a month-I have lost inches, and about 2lbs. Only loosing 2lbs is pretty upsetting, but the fact that i can fit into pants i couldn't of a month ago, puts everything into perspective. I have my retest to see how many inches i have lost total this coming week, but i can notice a definite change in my legs and arms. I am extremely happy with the results so far. Since i had such a great outcome with the training so far i deiced to do it for another month. This month I will be doing three, half hour sessions a week by myself. Li says that I will drop weight so fast. I am so anxious to get started. I cant wait to see the results. I also learned a few things through out the training, other then some creative exercises. The first thing that i learned was when i mentioned how upset I was that I wasn't loosing weigh tin my stomach. Li said that the first place the weight is gained in the last place it comes off. this is something That i know. Then she mentioned that diet is the only thing that will really help you loose fat around your belly. Then she asked me if i had been abnormally stressed lately. I have been, but I haven't really thought to much about it, since it would stress me out more and more. well apparently if you are overly stressed there is a chemical in your body that makes you retain fat around your belly and it will stick there until you de-stress and then you will start loosing fat around your belly. The minute i heard that I became the Dalai Lama and now I am trying to de-stress to I can loose some belly fat! lol.

So, Tuesday start my next round of Personal Training and I cant wait to keep everyone posted on the new results! It is summer time so i need to get bathing suite ready!

Well i better end this post here since it is getting longer and longer, but stay tuned for some new topics.