Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just an update on the day!

Personal training was great tonight. But I am still annoyed as hell with the Pittsford gym and how unorganized they are and how their trainers just don't give a crap about being on time or even showing up for appointments. On Monday i the substitute trainer i had decide to scratch me off of her schedule so she could leave early and i drove 45 mins for a 1/2 hour session and i didn't even have one. That infuriated me and im pretty sure she is fired now. So then i went today for my reschduled session and the girl was 15 mins late getting to me, i was so annoyed. But her work out was well worth the wait. I seriously almost cried. I have never worked out that hard before. I definitely loving doing personal training, it is well worth the money, but my consensus is that i will be doing the next month session at the Greece women's RAC since it is less crowded and i like the trainers there better. But i will def miss my normal trainer Li, she is one cool chick, but i just cant deal with the stupidity of the people at the Pittsford gym where she trains.

So after i left the gym feeling pumped i came home and ate some baked chicken wings, not tried and a small salad and some bread, i feel like i feel off the wagon with what i ate but thinking back on my day today i didn't eat bad at all and the wings were baked chicken, not fried and then frozen. The biggest thing i noticed today was how i wasn't starving before i went to the gym or after. I think its because i am finally eating right. I am eating breakfast and a snack before lunch and then a snack after lunch and i go to the gym at 6:30ish, so I'm balancing my meals, and i think working out is really helping me curve my appetite. Plus, i am eating better foods and more whole grains and fruit so its making me stay full longer. At this rate i hope ill be ready for Mission Hurricane 25 in no time!!

Speaking of Hurricane 25 we have another person joining the clan!!!! I'd like to take the time to welcome my amazing friend Tiffany Montez. Tiff is my friend from LA, i met her through my cousin, she is such a blast. She will definitely fit into the group we have going. I will be keeping everyone posted through Facebook threads and also emails. I am going to check with the travel argent to see if we can do a payment plan. I think that would be a great idea, so i will check that out this weekend.

Alright, its time to do some homework and then off to bed, i forgot about my 8:30am meeting. Man i just don't want to do that!

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