Monday, April 13, 2009

Bad to Good!

I feel so refreshed. I'm telling you I have some awesome Friends. After a crappy morning of finding out my credit Card payment didn't go through, so now its late, and getting to the gym 45 minutes away for my Personal Training session and my trainer not showing up, i was totally bummed when i got in my car to head for my fav coffee shop.

I called my sister to tell her about the ridiculousness at the gym and she mentioned she was on my side of town so i told her to meet me for coffee. She was only here for about 10 mins but it was great to do something that is not normal for a Monday. I love random meetings during the day. Then i got a text message from Val saying something that i was exactly thinking and i just knew my day was going to be ok after that. After getting into the coffee shop and getting an earl grey tea and a whole wheat bagel the Hummus, i hopped on the net and started chatting it up with some friends and let me tell you, plans are in full force for moving to CA! Hearing that definitely brightened up my day.

Also, we are getting more people on board for the 25th B-day extravaganza for Val and I. My sister and her friends are coming, my cousin is coming, some of Val's friends, if all goes well we should have a group of 10 people on a cruise to the Caribbean! If you want to join just email me and I will give you details, but just beware, girls only!!!Girls Rule, Boys Droole!!!!!Hahaha, man there def is caffeine in tea, its going straight to my head.

I cant wait for my summer trips to start!!!

1 comment:

  1. Whose birthday!? Is Val's coming up? Late Lucins? Details woman. I really want to join...depending on the cost, I may. I've been a good little wedding saver these past several months.
